
21 2021

Overbooked - Women's Book Series with Susan Jane Gilman

8:00PM - 9:00PM  

Contact Debby Block
704 944 6780

The Center for Jewish Education and JFGC Women's Philanthropy present Overbooked: Strong Women, Extraordinary Circumstances, a monthly women's book series. Join us this month for a Zoom webinar with author Susan Jane Gilman.

In Donna Has Left the Building, New York Times bestselling author Susan Jane Gilman turns the classic trope of male mid-life crisis on its head ina hilarious tale of former wild-girl Donna’s search to reclaim her youth after a mid-life disaster. In the process, Donna unexpectedly finds a spiritual awakening through Tikkun Olam “ (repairing the world).

Register Here

Sponsor: Center for Jewish Education, JFGC Women's Philanthropy