
28 2017

JCRC Speaker Series

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Sam Lerner Center for Cultural Arts 5007 Providence Road
Charlotte, NC 28226

Contact Tal Stein

Please join the JCRC Speaker Series for the second session of our two part series by Dr. Ralph Nurnberger on February 28, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Sam Lerner Center for Cultural Arts at Shalom Park. Dr. Nurnberger will address the on-going implications of President Trump’s new administration and recent activities, appointments and statements affecting the Jewish community and Israel.

Dr. Nurnberger, a professor of international relations at Georgetown University is a widely acclaimed speaker who brings humor, current political insights and historical background to his presentations and analysis of political and international issues including American politics and the Middle East.

 For more information or to RSVP please contact the Jewish Federation office at 704-944-6757 or info@jewishcharlotte.org